Valid at Utah Olympic Oval.

Rules and safety

Please sign our online waiver prior to your arrival. 


Jump rope, yoga mat, figure skates, skating attire and water bottle.

Scholarship Information

Do you need financial assistance to participate in this program?
  1. Households earning less than $8,333 per month (before taxes) can request a 25% discount if unable to pay the full program fee.
  2. Households earning less than $6,250 per month (before taxes) can request a 50% discount if unable to pay the full program fee.
  3. Participants who certify that they are enrolled in the Federal Free and Reduced School Lunch can request a 75% discount if unable to pay the full program fee.
  4. To apply for a full scholarship, please click here fill out the complete application.


When registering for the program, please select the discount for which you qualify. Please note: so that we can preserve our scholarship funds for those with true need, we reserve the right to ask for further documentation to support requests for financial aid.